About Us

As the name rightly suggests Body Mind Incarnation – our mission statement is clear to transform lives by changing not just the body but the mindset of people. Its always that mind which plays the game, which can be blamed for the choices we make.
Here, at BMI we want you to hit your best BMI’s holistically, from top to bottom, from inside out.

Our approach is simple, to build a healthy relationship with food, active lifestyle and have fun with results permanently not temporarily. No shortcuts. Only sustainability.
It’s not just it; we also work towards making people strong, wiser & confident. After all, a good body inside out plays a vital role in a persons overall personality.

We vouch for people to see the amazing incarnation of themselves.

The most suitable approach.

We Help You Stay Healthy



Roma Singh

Hi, My name is Roma aka Romdo and I’m a nutrition and fitness coach. I have been in the fitness space for 5 years. Took it up professionally 2 years back.

Overall these 5 years have been very fulfilling, but if I’m asked to be absolutely honest - it’s been a little more fulfilling as a Coach than just an enthusiast 😀 I couldn’t have wanted this any other way. I’m glad to be equipped with the right knowledge and approach to make an impact on people’s lives. I wouldn’t say I know it all because who knows it all? I am a keen learner and a student for life and I love being like this. I’m as real as it could get. No fake promises and no 21 day transformations. It is all about sustainability with me 🙂

Well, It wasn’t an easy decision to make this career choice over an MBA , that to from a renowned college. I dropped out of B- School solely for the deep passion and zeal I felt for the wellness space. I wasn’t naive to think that it would be a smooth sail, but at the same time I had this conviction about something in life for the first time and that was enough. A sense of confidence prevailed to be able to help many people. Today I can proudly say that I’ve helped and certainly made a difference in many lives with my complete heart and soul. I intend to do that for the years to come.

Get onboard with me and let’s have some fun while working towards your lifestyle goals 🤗

About us

Abhinav Kumar

Welcome to Body Mind incarnation.
I'm Abhinav Kumar, Nutrition and training Expert, certified from ISSA. And I am here to make some changes in your life. Overweight to FitFactor competitor alongside the best athletes of the country, the journey has been an unbelievably great one. Armed with the knowledge that ISSA certification has provided me, and 1500+ Client experience, let me guide you through your fitness journey, with precise application of nutritional science, accompanied by simplicity, convenience, and personal attention to you. Welcome aboard!